With only 24 hours at hand in a day, it is not possible for a person to remember all his obligations towards his professional life as well as personal life. In your professional life, you have to manage your work, your finances, your office, your bills as well as your taxes. You try to manage all your work systematically. You plan and schedule your time to do all your financial and tax related work. But many times, due to holidays, social activities, health or other reasons, your work gets interrupted and you cannot work as per your planned schedule.
The thing that gets most affected by such interruptions is your tax related work. Be it tax planning, assessing your tax, or filing your returns, it is very important that you manage it all in sufficient time and with accuracy. Some of the ways in which you can simplify your tax and tax processes are as follows:
Plan Your Work
Even though for some people assessing the tax and filing of return may be a day’s work, yet it is important that you plan your tax related work beforehand. Do not wait for the last date of filing the return. Ensure that you work on your tax issues before the year-end. Ensure that you have all your documents. Make your calculations in advance. Planning of your work will simplify your tax assessment.
Note the Due Dates on a Calendar
On a calendar, mark all the due dates related to your tax processes. Suppose you are an individual, then you can mark dates for filing of return, or date for an appeal, or date for furnishing documents etc. If you are a firm or a company, you must mark the dates of your quarterly payment of taxes, dates for audit, dates of return filing etc. When you have your dates in writing, you will not forget that work and thus it will simplify your tax work.
Keep All Receipts in One Folder
All your receipts relating to your assessment of tax must be kept in one folder. Make one folder for every head of income you have. In case you are computer savvy, scan all your receipts and other documents and keep a date wise, head wise soft copy of the same. If you have income from house property, the rent receipt, the receipt of bills paid, the municipal tax receipts, all must be kept in a folder to simplify the calculation of tax at the end of the year. Similarly, if you have a business, all documents of income received and payments made must be kept in a folder. This kind of organized work will help you to simplify your tax related work. Also, you will have all the documents in case of any doubt.
Get Help from a Professional
Although tax assessing and filing of return is not a complicated task, yet if you have multiple sources of income and you are not sure how to tackle them, then you must take help from a professional to simplify your tax work. The job of an agent hired by you would be to ensure correct assessment of tax, tax planning and to ensure that you do not get into any trouble with the law. However, you must ensure that the fee you pay to the tax agent is worth the task.
Use Income Tax Software Application
Filing of Income Tax return is now even more simplified with the help of many tax assessing and filing software. The income tax department gives you the option of filing your return online, which is easier than the manual submission. Most income tax software applications are user-friendly and easy to use. Even if you are the most unskilled web user, you can easily manage your tax through the software. If you have not used the online application yet, this is the time to do so and simplify your tax process.
By following the above ways, you are sure to manage your tax easily without any issues and you will be a happy person at the time of filing of returns.
Click here for simplify your tax
The thing that gets most affected by such interruptions is your tax related work. Be it tax planning, assessing your tax, or filing your returns, it is very important that you manage it all in sufficient time and with accuracy. Some of the ways in which you can simplify your tax and tax processes are as follows:
Plan Your Work
Tax India |
Note the Due Dates on a Calendar
On a calendar, mark all the due dates related to your tax processes. Suppose you are an individual, then you can mark dates for filing of return, or date for an appeal, or date for furnishing documents etc. If you are a firm or a company, you must mark the dates of your quarterly payment of taxes, dates for audit, dates of return filing etc. When you have your dates in writing, you will not forget that work and thus it will simplify your tax work.
Keep All Receipts in One Folder
All your receipts relating to your assessment of tax must be kept in one folder. Make one folder for every head of income you have. In case you are computer savvy, scan all your receipts and other documents and keep a date wise, head wise soft copy of the same. If you have income from house property, the rent receipt, the receipt of bills paid, the municipal tax receipts, all must be kept in a folder to simplify the calculation of tax at the end of the year. Similarly, if you have a business, all documents of income received and payments made must be kept in a folder. This kind of organized work will help you to simplify your tax related work. Also, you will have all the documents in case of any doubt.
Get Help from a Professional
Although tax assessing and filing of return is not a complicated task, yet if you have multiple sources of income and you are not sure how to tackle them, then you must take help from a professional to simplify your tax work. The job of an agent hired by you would be to ensure correct assessment of tax, tax planning and to ensure that you do not get into any trouble with the law. However, you must ensure that the fee you pay to the tax agent is worth the task.
Use Income Tax Software Application
Filing of Income Tax return is now even more simplified with the help of many tax assessing and filing software. The income tax department gives you the option of filing your return online, which is easier than the manual submission. Most income tax software applications are user-friendly and easy to use. Even if you are the most unskilled web user, you can easily manage your tax through the software. If you have not used the online application yet, this is the time to do so and simplify your tax process.
By following the above ways, you are sure to manage your tax easily without any issues and you will be a happy person at the time of filing of returns.
Click here for simplify your tax
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